Over the years I’ve taken many writing classes at the University of Washington and the Hugo House in Seatttle. Each one taught me different skills about the craft of writing. And after each class, I tried to hone those skills to make my fiction or essays better. Feeling quite miserable for months after the 2016… Continue reading Has this ever happened to you in a writing class?
Tag: writing
Resource books for writers
Want to write a novel? Start collecting resource books. Here’s the tower of books I used to write A Tight Grip, my debut novel. Each one helped in a different way. All offer different types of information from different perspectives, and have varied degrees of entertainment value. If you skipped Anatomy class in college like I… Continue reading Resource books for writers
Writing Tip: Add Body Parts
Do you know about the ‘boredom test,’ and an easy way to jazz your writing? Read the answers here: http://muffin.wow-womenonwriting.com/2015/09/friday-speak-out-writing-tip-add-body.html#links I’m honored to have a blog post featured on WOW!’s Friday Speak Out, today. This venue is a great opportunity for women writers to share insights and tips. Hope you’ll have a chance to check… Continue reading Writing Tip: Add Body Parts