Hemingway, spring, Seattle. I’ve started to crave spring warmth, blooms, and longer days. Here in Seattle, we’ve had an unusual run of days in the thirties; so much so that Green Lake had enough ice for some brave crazies to walk on. Now, we’re back to heavy rains. I’m hearing friends talk about Florida trips,… Continue reading Countdown for spring…
Category: Women friendships
Wisconsin Golfer magazine reviews A Tight Grip
I was thrilled to read Dennis McCann’s review in Wisconsin Golfer’s section, GREAT READS. He personalized it in a fun way by sharing his attempt at writing a golf mystery. And I accept his Mulligan offer! For the full review, please click here: http://www.wisconsingolfer-digital.com/wisconsingolfer/september_october_2014?pg=9#pg9 Here’s an excerpt: “Protagonist plays golf, has other problems. New novel will appeal… Continue reading Wisconsin Golfer magazine reviews A Tight Grip
Doses of friendship improve health of women over 50
Sure, you’ve heard that diet and exercise may improve health, but if you’re tired of that overused prescription (and maybe feeling guilt from not following it), here’s another way for women of a certain age to feel healthier: spend time with your women friends. Easy, right? There is scientific evidence (Mayo Clinic) and loads of… Continue reading Doses of friendship improve health of women over 50