I was thrilled to read Dennis McCann’s review in Wisconsin Golfer’s section, GREAT READS. He personalized it in a fun way by sharing his attempt at writing a golf mystery. And I accept his Mulligan offer!
For the full review, please click here: http://www.wisconsingolfer-digital.com/wisconsingolfer/september_october_2014?pg=9#pg9
Here’s an excerpt:
“Protagonist plays golf, has other problems. New novel will appeal to ‘women of a certain age.’ Many women readers will relate to, or perhaps envy, [Par] Parker’s relationship with her three friends, expecially to the wine-soaked no-rules Isadora Duncan parties that serve to ease them through especially thorny times. And competitive golfers will mostly recognize Chomic’s treatment of the tournament run-up and execution.”
One correction: A Tight Grip was published by She Writes Press (2014) rather than Village Books, an independent bookstore.